
The band will play on ...

My various adventures and ups and downs while trying to put together a band in Buenos Aires. Connecting with like-minded musicians, who want to play for enjoyment rather than money or ego, isn't as easy as it might seem ...

Blog posts April 2015

Teenage Kicks

My true musical awakening coincided with the dawn of New Wave, and was largely due to the influence of my cousin Ian.
I'd always been fascinated by music and drawn towards the weekly TV pop shows; unfortunately most of my early childhood had run in parallel with some of the most infantile music Britain has ever produced. However in 1976 things began to change; Punk arrived and really shook things up. Hardcore Punk - The Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Stranglers - completely passed me by (I was only 10 in 1976). But what followed really grabbed hold of my attention.
One summer afternoon in, I guess, 1977 I took my bike and cycled round to my cousin's house. I remember that afternoon wi…

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1 blog post