
The band will play on ...

My various adventures and ups and downs while trying to put together a band in Buenos Aires. Connecting with like-minded musicians, who want to play for enjoyment rather than money or ego, isn't as easy as it might seem ...

Blog posts August 2013

Back in the saddle

After the long dark winter months, a new ray of hope has come peeping over the horizon.
I haven't written anything for a couple of months, because there's really been nothing to write about. After a somewhat disappointing May followed by a completely lifeless June, finally, at the end of July something seemed to be happening.
Around the middle of the month there was a flurry of emails from interested parties - mainly guitarists and bass players - and a couple of weeks ago I gathered a few together for a try out session. Things went well and the following Friday some of them actually came back. I've been holding back from writing about any of this as I didn't want to appear too hope…

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1 blog post