
The band will play on ...

My various adventures and ups and downs while trying to put together a band in Buenos Aires. Connecting with like-minded musicians, who want to play for enjoyment rather than money or ego, isn't as easy as it might seem ...

Blog posts May 2013

Come what May

The month of May has been a bit of a disappointment. I knew that this process would be long and hard with dry and demoralizing stops along the way; I guess that's where I am now.
As I said in a previous post, at the end of April I got rid of the people who don't fit into the plan, which left just Tomas and myself. I had a singer, Ariel, waiting in the wings, but he was largely untested. This meant I had no musicians to play melody and so practice sessions were put on hold. Around the middle of the month I found a guitarist, Gustavo, and we all got together, but he wasn't interested in continuing, so everything is back on hold. However, the session with this guitarist did provide an op…

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1 blog post