
The band will play on ...

My various adventures and ups and downs while trying to put together a band in Buenos Aires. Connecting with like-minded musicians, who want to play for enjoyment rather than money or ego, isn't as easy as it might seem ...

Blog posts September 2013

Let's hang on

Despite any ups and downs and setbacks, it's important to maintain a clear vision of where the project is going and to keep things moving forward.
It's almost October and the current band has been holding together for around two months, perhaps a little more, and I'm generally pleased with the progress we have been making. There have been some changes in personnel: Pablo on bass has been replaced by old friend Tomas, and there were a couple of different guitarists before we settled on Nicolas. The great news was that Nicolas has a friend, Victor, who can play keyboards; not so well, but it fills out the overall sound and provides a palate of additional colours to add to the mix. There a…

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1 blog post